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Items affiliated to "Belgium"

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Number of items at this level: 135.

Agro Transfert, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Bio en Hauts de France, BioForum, inagro, Biowallonie, CRA-W, CCBT (editor): Campion, Morgane (Ed.) (2023) Féverole d’hiver, comment l’associer ? [How to combine winter faba beans?] .

{Project} Les graines germées, une source alimentaire riche en vitamine B2. [Sprouted seeds, a rich food source of vitamin B2.] Runs 2019 - 2019. Project Leader(s): Moerman, Marie, CRA-W .

{Project} SOL-PLATEFORMES L’effet de systèmes de culture biologiques innovants sur la fertilité des sols. [SOiL-PLATEFORMS The effect of innovative organic farming systems on soil fertility.] Runs 2020 - 2030. Project Leader(s): Hardy, Dr Brieuc, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre .

Abras, Morgan (2022) Trois années d'expérimentation système en grandes cultures - la plateforme SYCBIO dévoile ses premiers résultats après 3 ans de suivi sur la production biologique. [Three years of system experimentation in field crops - the SYCBIO platform unveils its first results after 3 years of follow-up on organic production.] CRA-W Info, 2022, 75, p. 1.

Abras, Morgan; Ben Abbdallah, Fériel; Boreux, Magali; Cesar, Vincent; Morelle, Max; Ryckmans, Daniel and Soete, Alice (2020) POMMES DE TERRE ROBUSTES EN AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE : ESSAI VARIETAL. [ROBUST POTATOES FOR ORGANIC FARMING: VARIETY TRIAL.] Centre wallon de recherches agronomiques .

Abras, Morgan; Ben Abbdallah, Fériel; Boreux, Magali; Cesar, Vincent; Ryckmans, Daniel and Soete, Alice (2021) POMMES DE TERRE ROBUSTES EN AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE : ESSAI VARIETAL 2021. [ROBUST POTATOES FOR ORGANIC FARMING: 2021 VARIETY TRIAL.] Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques .

Abras, Morgan; Ben Abbdallah, Fériel; Cesar, Vincent; Mertens, L.; Morelle, Max; Ryckmans, Daniel; Soete, Alice and Thomas, L. (2019) POMMES DE TERRE ROBUSTES EN AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE : ESSAI VARIÉTAL. [ROBUST POTATOES FOR ORGANIC FARMING: VARIETY TRIAL.] Centre wallon de recherches agronomiques .

Abras, Morgan; Ben Abdallah, Feriel; Boreux, Magali; Cesar, Vincent; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Leclercq, Martine; Ryckmans, Daniel and Soete, Alice (2023) POMMES DE TERRE ROBUSTES EN AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE : ESSAI VARIETAL 2022. [ROBUST POTATOES IN ORGANIC FARMING: VARIETY TRIAL 2022.] Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques (CRA-W)

Abras, Morgan; Cartrysse, Catherine; Froidmont, Eric; Jamar, Daniel; Rondia, Pierre and Wavreille, José (2016) Le pois protéagineux : une légumineuse à graines riches en protéines et en énergie. [Protein peas: a seed legume rich in protein and energy.] .

Abras, Morgan; Cartrysse, Christine; Froidmont, Eric; Jamar, Daniel; Rondia, Pierre and Wavreille, José (2016) La féverole : une légumineuse à graines riches en protéine et énergie. [Faba bean: a protein and energy rich legume.] .

Abras, Morgan; Godden, Bernard; Legrand, Julie and Mahieu, Olivier (2020) Fertilisation des céréales en agriculture biologique. [Fertilisation of cereals in organic farming.] In: Livre blanc céréales. 2020 edition. CRA-W, Belgium, Gembloux, chapter 9, 9/1-9/15.

Abras, Morgan and Huyghebaert, Bruno (2020) Expérimentations systèmes au CRA-W. [System experiments at WARC.] Itinéraires bio, May 2020, 52, pp. 51-53.

Abras, Morgan; Legrand, Julie; stalport, A.; Mahieu, Olivier; Godin, Bruno and Sinnaeve, Georges (2019) Variétés de céréales en agriculture biologique. [Cereal varieties in organic farming.] https://www.biowallonie.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Brochure-A4-Itineraire-BIO-48_V4_Web.pdf, September 2019, 48, pp. 48-54.

Abras, Morgan; Legrand, Julie; Stalport, Anouck; Mahieu, Olivier; Gofflot, Sébastien and Sinnaeve, Georges (2018) Variétés de céréales en agriculture biologique. [Cereal varieties in organic farming.] Itinéraires bio, September 2018, 42, pp. 48-55.

Aertens, Joris; Stassart, Pierre; Jamar, Daniel and Van Huylenbroeck, Guido (2005) Comparison of marketing strategies of retailers of organic beef. In: In Quality Management and Quality Assurance in Food Chains, 1, pp. 1-11.

Arlotti, Donatienne and Herman, Jean-Luc (2018) Gestion innovante des adventices avec des couverts d'hiver. Itinéraires bio, July 2018, 41, pp. 40-44.

Barret, Philippe; Marq, Pascal; Mayer, Carolin and Padel, Susanne (2015) Research for transition: Europeans deserve a better agricultural and food policy. Université catholique de Louvain and Organic Research Centre commissioned bythe Greens/EFA in the European Parliament , Brussel.

Bataille, Charlotte; Ansseau, F.; Berger, N.; Henriet, François; Rousseau, H. and De Proft, Michel (2015) Etat des lieux des problèmes phytosanitaires en 2014. In: Proceedings of Journée de la recherche à l'action en agriculture biologique, Centre wallon de recherches agronomiques, Belgique, Gembloux, pp. 1-20.

Bataille, Charlotte; Eylenbosch, Damien and Chandelier, Anne (2021) Protection contre la carie en agriculture biologique. [Protection against decay in organic farming.] In: Le Livre Blanc des céréales. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, pp. 1-10.

Bataille, Charlotte and Hautier, Louis (2015) L’ANTHRACNOSE DU LUPIN, UNE REDOUTABLE MALADIE APPARUE RECEMMENT EN EUROPE. [ANTHRACNOSE OF LUPIN, A DREADED DISEASE THAT RECENTLY APPEARED IN EUROPE.] In: Proceedings de 'Première journée De la recherche à l'action en agriculture biologique', 1, pp. 1-4.

Ben Abbdallah, Fériel (2021) Essais variétaux de pomme de terre robuste - 7ème journée interprofessionnelle du bio. [Robust potato variety trials - 7th Interprofessional Organic Day.] CRA-W, Biowallonie, Fiwap .

{Tool} Growing yellow peas in Wallonia in a pea-wheat intercropping system (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Culture de pois protéagineux en Wallonie en culture associée pois-blé (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Benoît, Gillain. Issuing Organisation(s): Walagri. (2022)

Bhullar, G.S.; Edwards, P.J. and Olde Venterink, H. (2014) Influence of Different Plant Species on Methane Emissions from Soil in a Restored Swiss Wetland. PLoS ONE, 9 (2), e89588.

BURNY, Philippe and Debode, Frédéric (2013) Is organic farming a tool for sustainable development in Wallonia ? In: Cluj-Napoca, Romania : Book of Abstracts, Socaciu, Carmen, Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie, 1 (2), p. 82.

Campion, Morgane; Jamar, Daniel and Stilmant, Didier (2022) Association froment-pois protéagineux de printemps. [Spring wheat-protein pea association.] Itinéraires bio, November 2022, 67, pp. 44-47.

Campion, Morgane; Jamar, Daniel and Stilmant, Didier (2022) L'association froment-pois protéagineux de printemps. [Spring wheat-protein pea association.] Itinéraires bio, November 2022, 67, pp. 44-47.

Chandelier, Anne; Mingeot, Dominique; Ghrissi, Ibtihel; Song, Jang Hoon and Lateur, Marc (2022) Development of a qPCR test to detect and quantify Elsinoë piri in unsprayed and organic apple orchards and assessment of apple cultivar susceptibility to the disease. Plant Pathology, 71 (7), pp. 1579-1593.

Corneo, Paola Elisa; Nesler, Andrea; Liotti, Cesare; Chahed, Abdessalem; Vrhovsek, U; Pertot, Ilaria and Perazzolli, Michele (2021) Interactions of tagatose with the sugar metabolism are responsible for Phytophthora infestans growth inhibition. Microbiological Research, 247, p. 126724.

Crevits, Coline; Faux, Anne-Michelle; Godin, Bruno and Beckers, Yves (2022) Valorisation du triticale en aviculture de chair biologique: remise en question de l'importance du choix de variétés peu viscosantes. [Valorisation of triticale in organic poultry farming: questioning the importance of choosing low viscosity varieties.] Itinéraires bio, 66, pp. 51-54.

de Backer, Eline ; Aertsens, Joris; Vergucht, Sofie and Steurbaut, Walter (2009) Assessing the ecological soundness of organic and conventional agriculture by means of life cycle assessment (LCA) - a case study of leek production. British Food Journal, 11 (10), pp. 1028-1061.

debode, Frédéric and burny, Philippe (2013) Development of organic farming in Wallonia : past, present and perspectives. Paper at: VI International scientific symposium "Farm machinery and processes management in sustainable agriculture, Lublin, Poland, 2013.

DEBODE, Frédéric and BURNY, Philippe (2013) Organic farming, a business perspective. Paper at: Advanced study school "The emergence of green businesses by the activation of economic competitiveness' innovative potential within the matrix of sustainable development, Bucharest, Roumanie, 23/10/2013 - 06/11/2013.

Debode, Frédéric; Schiepers, Hélène and Burny, Philippe (2013) La production céréalière biologique en Wallonie. [Organic cereal production in Wallonia.] In: Destain, Jean-Pierre and Bodson, Bernard (Eds.) Livre Blanc "Céréales". 2013 edition. CRA-w, Gembloux, Belgium, pp. 1-11.

Debode, Frédéric; Schiepers, Hélène and Lateur, Marc (2017) Les céréales bio en Belgique : production et importations. Itinéraires bio, 2017, 6, pp. 7-8.

Debode, Frédéric; Van Damme, Julie and Lateur, Marc (2016) Plus ou moins de mycotoxines en bio qu’en conventionnel ? Itinérares bio, 30, pp. 30-31.

Debode, Frédéric; Van Stappen, Florence; Loriers, Astrid; Mathot, Michaël; Planchon, Viviane and Stilmant, Didier (2015) Organic Versus Conventional Farming: The Case of wheat Production in Wallonia (Belgium). Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 7, pp. 272-279.

Decruyenaere, Virginie; Faux, Anne-Michelle; Farinelle, Arnaud and Stilmant, Didier (2017) Nutritive value and legume content of multi-species swards managed under four cuts per year on organic farming. In: Grassland resources for extensive farming systems in marginal lands: major drivers and future scenarios. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, 22, pp. 146-148.

Decruyenaere, Virginie; Faux, Anne-Michelle; Mathot, Michaël; Mertens, Alexandre and Seutin, Yves (2021) Produire de la viande bio. Retour d'essais menés au CRA-W. [Producing organic meat. Feedback from trials conducted at CRA-W.] Wallonie Elevages, 2021, 717, pp. 39-41.

Decruyenaere, Virginie; Seutin, Yves and Stilmant, Didier (2016) Place de la prairie pâturée dans les schémas d’engraissement. [The place of grazed grassland in fattening schemes.] Paper at: Journée d'études sur Les légumineuses, éléments clés pour les systèmes d’élevage herbagers, Libramont, 27/05/2016.

DEKEUWER, Ariane; SERVAIS, Vincent; KINIF, Xavier; DELHAYE, Myriam and Wavreille, José (2022) Performances et comportements dans des loges de mise bas avec truies en liberté adaptées à l’élevage biologique. [Performance and behaviour in free-range farrowing pens adapted to organic farming.] In: Journées Recherche Porcine, 54, pp. 297-298.

Drexler, Dora; Vanwindekens, Frederic; Stilmant, Didier and Messéan, Antoine (2018) Success and failure factors of crop diversification across Europe. presentation at: 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS), Eisenstadt, Austria, 07-09/11/2018.

Dupuis, Brice; Rolot, JL; Stilmant, Didier; Labbe, V. and Laguesse, Laurent (2007) Evaluation of innovative products to reduce copper applications to control potato late blight in organic production systems. Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci., 72 (2), pp. 353-359.

Eekeren, Nick van and Govaerts, Wim (2012) Success of a participatory research and extension programme in the Dutch organic dairy goat sector. Paper at: Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, 2nd OAHC, Hamburg/Trenthorst, Germany, Sep 12-14, 2012.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; CARBONNELLE, Géry; Mahieu, Olivier; Godin, Bruno and Legrand, Julie (2021) Choix variétal - Froment d'hiver: Résultats obtenus pour les variétés du réseau en agriculture biologique et recommandations. [Variety selection - Winter wheat: Results and recommendations for varieties in the organic farming network.] In: Le Livre Blanc des céréales. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, pp. 41-55.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Farinelle, Arnaud and Stilmant, Didier (2017) Parasitisme chez les génisses au pâturage en relation avec les pratiques des éleveurs en agriculture biologique. [Parasitism in grazing heifers in relation to organic farming practices.] Paper at: Journées AFPF Le pâturage au coeur des systèmes d'élevage de demain, France, 21-22 Mars 2017.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Guillaume, Mary and Stilmant, Didier (2022) Feed autonomy in organic cattle farming systems : a necessary but not sufficient lever to be activated for economic efficiency. Organic agriculture, 12, 335-–352.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Guillaume, Mary and Stilmant, Didier (2021) Feed autonomy in organic cattle farming systems: a necessary but not sufficient lever to be activated for economic efficiency. Springer Nature Org. Agr. (2022) 12:335–352, 12, pp. 335-352.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Guillaume, Mary and Stilmant, Didier (2019) Autonomie alimentaire en élevage bovin biologique (2ème partie). [Food autonomy in organic cattle farming (Part 2).] Itinéraires bio, May 2019, 46, pp. 51-56.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Guillaume, Mary and Stilmant, Didier (2019) Autonomie alimentaire en élevage bovin biologique (1ère partie): typologie des ressources fourragères. [Food autonomy in organic cattle farming (part 1): typology of fodder resources.] Itinéraires Bio, March 2019, 45, pp. 34-43.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Stilmant, Didier and Guillaume, Mary (2019) Dossier : Autonomie alimentaire en élevage bovin biologique. [Dossier : Food autonomy in organic cattle farming.] .

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaerea.faux@cra.wallonie.be, Virginie; Farinelle, Arnaud and Stilmant, Didier (2017) Parasitism and farmers' practices in heifers under organic farming management. In: Grassland Science in Europe, Vol. 22 - Grassland resources for extensive farming systems in marginal lands, Sassari, Italy, 22, pp. 149-151.

Faux, Anne-Michelle and Faux, Jacques (2018) Grassland-based beef production: a case study on the economic impact and ecosystem services in a Limousin cattle farm. In: Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands. Proceedings of the 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Fermoy, Irish republic, 23, pp. 974-976.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Godin, Bruno; Legrand, Julie and Stalport, Anouck (2020) Résultats du réseau d'essais variétaux en céréales biologiques 2020. [Results of the organic cereal variety trial network 2020.] Itinéraires bio, September 2020, 54, pp. 48-57.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Guillaume, Mary; Decruyenaere, Virginie and Stilmant, Didier (2018) Joint technical and economic assessment of feed autonomy in organic cattle farms. In: Grassland Science in Europe – Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands, 23, pp. 742-744.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Legrand, Julie; CARBONNELLE, Géry and GODIN, Bruno (2021) Résultats du réseau d'essais variétaux en céréales biologiques 2021. [Results of the organic cereal variety trial network 2021.] Itinéraires bio, September 2021, 60, pp. 45-49.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Legrand, Julie; Leclercq, Martine; Bonnave, Mathieu; Mahieu, Olivier and Rabier, Fabienne (2023) Caractériser le pouvoir couvrant des céréales. [Characterizing the covering power of cereals.] Itinéraires Bio, July 2023, 71, pp. 52-55.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Legrand, Julie; Mahieu, Olivier and Leclercq, Martine (2022) Résultats du réseau d'essais variétaux en céréales biologiques 2022. [Results of the 2022 organic cereal variety trial network.] Itinéraires bio, 66, pp. 58-61.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Mertens, Alexandre; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Stilmant, Didier and Mathot, Michaël (2022) Produire du veau rosé en agriculture biologique: performances techniques, économiques et environnementales. [Producing rosé veal in organic farming: technical, economic and environmental performance.] Itinéraires Bio, 62, pp. 47-53.

Faux, Anne-Michelle and Rabier, Fabienne (2021) Du soja en Belgique, le point sur la culture et les enseignements d'une saison d'essai. [Soybeans in Belgium, an update on cultivation and lessons learned from a trial season.] Itinéraires bio, May 2021, 58, pp. 50-55.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Stilmant, Didier; Guillaume, Mary and Decruyenaere, Virginie (2021) Feed Autonomy In Organic Cattle Farming Systems: A Technical And Economic Assessment. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Fernique, Sarah; Penvern, Servane; Cardona, Aurélie; Ahrenfeldt, Erica; Grébaux, Daphné; Jamar, Laurent; kruzynska, Dorota; Matray, Silvia; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene; Steinemann, Beatrice; Wiergiel, W.; Telfser, Josef; Warlop, Francois and Herz, Annette (2016) Organic farmers’ reality to manage functional agrobiodiversity in European organic apple orchards. Paper at: 17th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Ecofruit 2016, 268-269., Weinsberg, 2016.

Fivet, Chloé (2021) L'organisation du travail en élevage bio allaitant. [Work organisation in organic suckler farms.] Itinéraires bio, 61, pp. 50-52.

Godden, Bernard (2022) La gestion de la fertilité des sols et de la fertilisation en grandes cultures en Agriculture biologique - Considérations générales et application à la Wallonie. [Soil fertility and fertilisation management in field crops in organic farming - General considerations and application to Wallonia.] CRA-W, Belgium.

Godin, Bruno; Faux, Anne-Michelle and Meza, Rodrigo (2023) Qualité technologique du blé dur BIO 2023. [Technological quality of BIO 2023 durum wheat.] Poster at: Semaine bio, journée de restitution des résultats de la recherche en production biologique, Belgium, Gembloux, 08/06/2023.

Guillaume, Mary (2018) L’outil TresoGest mobilisé dans le cadre des recherches en élevage porcin biologique. [The TresoGest tool mobilized in the framework of research in organic swine farming.] Itinéraires Bio, January 2018, 38, pp. 22-23.

Guillaume, Mary and Moerman, Marie (2017) Stratégie alimentaire et mode d’élevage en porc bio en Wallonie : quelles réalités pour quelles performances technico-économiques ? [Feeding strategy and rearing method for organic pigs in Wallonia: what are the realities for what technical and economic performance?] In: Conference: 2ème Journée de la Recherche à l'Action en agriculture biologique, proceedings.

Hainaut, Hélène; Weekers, Thimoty; Leroy, Nicolas; Emptaz, Paul; De Meue, Victoria; Festre, Xavier; Molenberg, Jean-Marc; Hostie, Yannick; Henreaux, Jérôme; Kerckhove, Marc; Pauly, Alain; Lateur, Marc; Jamar, Laurent and Vereecken, Nicolas (2016) Can organic arable and silvoarable micro-farms contribute to biodiversityconservation? A survey of wild bees community structure in the Brabant Wallonprovince (Belgium) (PDF) Can organic arable and silvoarable micro-farms contribute to biodiversity conservation? A survey of wild bees community structure in the Brabant Wallon province (Belgium). In: From diversity of speciesto diversity of players, pp. 35-37.

Hainaut, Hélène; Weekers, Thimoty; Leroy, Nicolas; Emptaz, Paul; De Meue, Victoria; Festre, Xavier; Molenbert, Jean-Marc; Hostie, Yannick; Lateur, Marc; Jamar, Laurent and Vereecken, Nicolas (2017) Can organic arable and silvoarable micro-farms contribute to biodiversity conservation? A survey of wild bees community structure in the Brabant Wallon province (Belgium). Paper at: Conference: Belgian Agroecological Meeting (BAM), Belgium, Gembloux, novembre 2017.

Hardy, Brieuc; Calonne, Maryline; Declerck, Stéphane and Huyghebaert, Bruno (2023) L'effet des pratiques agricoles sur la mycorhization du froment d'hiver. [The effect of agricultural practices on mycorrhization of winter wheat.] Itinéraires bio, May 2023, 70, pp. 47-53.

Hardy, Brieuc; Jamar, Laurent and Godden, Bernard (2018) Cultures maraîchères après destruction de prairie permanente: risques environnementaux et intérêts agronomiques. [Market gardening after destruction of permanent grassland: environmental risks and agronomic interests.] Itinéraires bio, December 2018, 43, pp. 31-35.

Hardy, Brieuc; Jamar, Laurent and Godden, Bernard (2018) Cultures maraîchères après destruction de prairies permanentes: risques environnementaux et intérêts agronomiques. Itinéraires bio, November 2018, 43, pp. 31-35.

Hardy, Brieuc; Vanwindekens, Frederic; Morelle, Max and Huyghebaert, Bruno (2021) Le sol en agriculture biologique ou de conservation: critères diagnostiques de son état de santé et effets des changements de pratiques. [Soil in organic or conservation agriculture: diagnostic criteria of its health and effects of changes in practices.] Itinéraires bio, March 2021, 57, pp. 52-57.

Herz, Annette; Matray, Silvia; Sharifova, Hadil; Wolck, Anja; Sigsgaard, Lene; Penvern, Servane; Fernique, Sarah; Tchamitchian, Marc; WARLOP, FRANCOIS; Pfiffner, Lukas; Kelderer, Markus; kruzynska, Dorota; Jamar, Laurent and Porcel, Mario (2016) EBIO-Network: a web-based platform for knowledge sharing on functional agrobiodiversity in organic apple production. Paper at: 17th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Ecofruit 2016, Weinsberg.

Hilali, Rania El; Bouamri, Rachid; Crozilhac, Patrice; Calonne, Maryline; Symanczik, Sarah; Ouahmane, Lahcen and Declerck, Stéphane (2021) In vitro colonization of date palm plants by Rhizophagus irregularis during the rooting stage. Symbiosis, 84, pp. 83-89.

Huyghebaert, Bruno; Vanwindekens, Frederic; Morelle, Max and Hardy, Brieuc (2021) La conversion à l'agriculture biologique en Wallonie : moteurs, contraintes et enjeux. [Conversion to organic farming in Wallonia: drivers, constraints and challenges.] Itinéraires bio, 56, pp. 57-62.

Jamar, Daniel; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Jamar, Laurent; Couvreur, Luc and Lateur, Marc (2013) Mise en place d’un plan de recherche pour le développement de l’agriculture biologique en Région Wallonne. [Implementation of a research plan for the development of organic agriculture in the Walloon Region.] DinABio reccueil des résumés de présentation, 1, pp. 218-219.

Jamar, Daniel and Seutin, Yves (2015) Protéagineux de printemps, pois, féveroles, lupins, cultures pures et associations en AB. [Spring protein crops, peas, faba beans, lupins, pure crops and associations in AB.] Itinéraires bio, April 2015, 21, pp. 27-29.

Jamar, Daniel and Stassart, Pierre (2009) Agriculture biologique et verrouillage des systèmes de connaissances. Conventionalisation des filières agroalimentaires bio. [Organic farming and the locking of knowledge systems. Conventionalization of organic food chains.] In: Innovations Agronomiques (2009) 4, 313-328, 4, pp. 313-328.

Jamar, Daniel and Stassart, Pierre (2008) Steak up to the horns! The conventionalization of organic stock farming: knowledge lock-inin the agrifood chain. GeoJournal, 73, pp. 31-44.

Jamar, Daniel and Stassart, Pierre (2005) Equiper des filières durables? L'élevage Bio en Belgique. [Equip sustainable chains? Organic livestock farming in Belgium.] Natures Sciences Sociétés, 13 (4), pp. 413-420.

Jamar, Daniel; Stassart, Pierre; Baret, Philippe and Léonard, Vincent (2011) D'un marché de crise qui s'impose à un marché durable qui reste à construire. [From a crisis market to a sustainable market that has yet to be built.] Itinéraires bio, December 2011, 1, pp. 12-14.

Jamar, Daniel; Stassart, Pierre; Decruyenaere, Virginie and Stilmant, Didier (2007) Comment établir un lien durable entre environnement et consommation ? Le cas de la viande bovine en agriculture biologique. [How to establish a sustainable link between environment and consumption? The case of organic beef.] In: d.jamar@cra.wallonie.be, 14, pp. 79-82.

Jamar, Daniel; Stassart, Pierre; Decruyenaere, Virginie and Stilmant, Didier (2007) Transformation of gastro-intestinal parasites managment scheme in the context of suckling herd conversion to organic farming. In: Stassart, Pierre; Mormont, Marc; Jamar, Daniel and Stilmant, Didier (Eds.) How can organic farming contribute to sustainable production and consumption patterns. Belgium Science Policy, Belgium, pp. 123-141.

Jamar, Daniel; Stassart, Pierre and Mormont, Marc (2008) La recherche-intervention pour une transition vers le développement durable. [Research-intervention for a transition towards sustainable development.] Economie rurale, July 2008, 306, pp. 8-22.

Jamar, Daniel; Stassart, Pierre; Stilmant, Didier; Baret, Philippe and Clinquart, Antoine (2009) Incidence des facteurs d’élevage sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques et sensorielles de la viande bovine biologique. [Impact of farming factors on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of organic beef.] Rencontre Recherche Ruminant, 16, p. 162.

Jamar, Daniel and Stilmant, Didier (2016) En agriculture biologique. Les associations céréales-protéagineux de printemps passées au crible. [In organic farming. Spring cereal-proteaginous associations under the microscope.] Le Sillon belge, 26 February 2016, 596, pp. 17-19.

Jamar, Daniel; Stilmant, Didier; Stassart, Pierre; Baret, Philippe and Clinquart, Antoine (2009) Incidence des facteurs d’élevage sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques et sensorielles de la viande bovine biologique. [Impact of rearing factors on the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of organic beef.] Paper at: Rencontre Recherches Ruminants, 2009.

Jamar, Laurent (2021) La luzerne fraîche utilisée comme fertilisant en maraîchage. [Fresh alfalfa used as a fertilizer in market gardening.] Centre wallon de recherches agronomiques .

Jamar, Laurent; Grébert, David; Amiraux, Claire; Oste, Sandrine and Lateur, Marc (2021) L'EXTRAIT D'ECORCE D'ORANGE COMME PRODUIT DE PROTECTION DES PLANTES. [ORANGE PEEL EXTRACT AS A PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT.] Paper at: Journées Européennes de la protection des plantes en AB, France, Lille, 10-11/03/2010.

Jamar, Laurent and Jorion, Alexis (2019) Effet des bandes fleuries pérennes sur les ravageurs en vergers – une étude à échelle européenne. [Effect of perennial flower strips on pests in orchards - a European scale study.] Itinéraires Bio, September 2019, 48, pp. 22-26.


Jamar, Laurent; Lateur, Marc; Magein, Hugo; Culot, Marc and Aubinet, Marc (2010) Effect of organic farming practices on five orchard soil bioindicators. In: ISHS Acta Horticulturae (873), pp. 129-136.

Jamar, Laurent; Lateur, Marc; Tournant, Ludovic; Leleu-Wateau, Karine; Masschelein, M.; Barbieux, Juliette; Oste, Sandrine; Sallets, Prisca; Grogna, Philippe and Delebecq, Alain (2016) Verger bio: la diversité transfrontalière. [Organic orchard: cross-border diversity.] CRA-W, Fredon, Gabnor, Biowallonie .

Jamar, Laurent; Lateur, Marc; Tournant, Ludovic; Leleu-Wateau, Karine; Masschelein, Marie; Barbieux, Juliette; Oste, Sandrine; Sallets, Prisca; Grogna, Philippe and Delebecq, Alain (2016) Verger bio, la diversité transfrontalière. [Organic orchard, cross-border diversity.] .

Jamar, Laurent and Leclercq, Véronique (2021) Plateforme SYCMA: expérimentations de SYstèmes de Culture en MAraîchage au CRA-W. [SYCMA platform: vegetable growing systems experiments at CRA-W.] Itinéraires bio, September 2021, 60, pp. 39-43.

Jamar, Laurent; Leclercq, Véronique and Huyghebaert, Bruno (2023) Luzerne fraîche utilisée comme fertilisant en cultures légumières - trois années d’expérimentation au CRA-W. [Fresh alfalfa as a fertilizer for vegetable crops - three years of experimentation at CRA-W.] Itinéraires bio, May 2023, 70, pp. 32-35.

Jamar, Laurent; Lefrancq, Bruno; Fassotte, Christianne and Lateur, Marc (2008) A during-infection spray strategy using sulphur compounds, copper, silicon and a new formulation of potassium bicarbonate for primary scab control in organic apple production. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 122 (4), pp. 481-493.

Jamar, Laurent; Oste, Sandrine and Lateur, Marc (2012) Scab control in organic apple production: conclusions of an eight year study in temperate weather conditions. In: IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 84, pp. 213-221. [Unpublished]

Jamar, Laurent; Pahaut, Bertrand and Lateur, Marc (2010) A low input strategy for scab control in organic apple production. In: Acta Horticulturae, 873, pp. 75-84.

Jamar, Laurent and RONDIA, Alain (2015) RECHERCHE DE METHODES ALTERNATIVES DE PROTECTION VIS-A-VIS DES GLOEOSPORIOSES EN PRODUCTIONS FRUITIERES BIOLOGIQUES. Paper at: De la Recherche à l’Action en Agriculture Biologique – Gestion des maladies, des parasites et des ravageurs, Belgium, Gembloux, 05/02/2015.

Jamar, Laurent; RONDIA, Alain; Lateur, Marc; Minet, L.; Froncoux, A. and Stilmant, Didier (2016) Co-design and establishment of innovative fruit-based agroforestry cropping systems in Belgium. Acta Hortic., 1137, pp. 347-350.

Jamar, Laurent; RONDIA, Alain; Lateur, Marc; Minet, L.; Froncoux, A. and Stilmant, Didier (2016) Co-Design and set-up of innovative fruit-based agroforestry cropping system in Belgium. In: Acta Horticulturae, 1137, pp. 347-350.

Jamar, Laurent and Temmerman, Femke (2021) Les ravageurs des choux: de nouvelles pistes pour s'en protéger. [Cabbage pests: new ways to protect against them.] Itinéraires Bio, July 2021, 59, pp. 61-67.

Jamar, Laurent; Cavelier, Marc and Lateur, Marc (2010) Primary scab control using a “during-infection” spray timing and the effect on fruit quality and yield in organic apple production. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ., 14 (3), pp. 423-439.

Jani, Anant; Exner, Andreas; Braun, Reiner; Braun, Brigitte; Torri, Luisa; Verhoeven, Sofie; Murante, Anna Maria; van Devijvere, Stefanie; Harrington, Janas; Ochoa, Amalia; Marchiori, Giorgia Dalla Libera; Defranceschi, Peter; Bunker, Aditi; Bärnighausen, Till; Sanz, Esther; Napoléone, Claude; Verger, Eric O.; Schader, Christian; Röklov, Joacim; Stegemann, Ingrid; Tonello, Samuele; Perderson, Robert; Kristensen, Niels Heine; Smits, Tim; Wascher, Dirk; Voshol, Peter; Kaptejins, Annemarie; Nesrallah, Samantha; Kjorven, Olav; DeClerck, Fabrice; Biella, Cristina; Gjorgjioska, Marija Adela; Tomicic, Ana; Ferreira Oliveira, Ana Teresa; Bracco, Stefania; Estevens, Sandra; Rossi, Luigi; Laister, Günther; Rozalska, Aleksandra; Jankuloski, Borche; Hurbin, Christophe; Maylis, Jannic; Steel, Fiona; Manbaliu, Ewoud; de Jager, Karin; Sfetsos, Athanasios; Konstantopoulou, Maria; Kapetanakis, Pavlos-Alexandro; Hickersberger, Michaela; Chiffard, Elsa and Woollhead, Carina (2022) Transitions to food democracy through multilevel governance. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, pp. 1-10.

Jansen, Jean-Pierre (2011) Insecticides bio et insectes utiles: Je t’aime, moi non plus. [Organic insecticides and beneficial insects: I love you, I love you not.] CRA-W info, 2011, 30, p. 2.

Klaedtke, Stephanie Mathilde; Andrianne, Catherine; Rey, Frédéric and Chable, Véronique (2021) Plant And Seed Health In Organic Systems: Embedded In Or Disconnected From Interactions With Microbial Communities? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Lateur, Marc and Jamar, Laurent (2007) Strategies to reduce copper use in organic apple production. Proc Ier IS on Organic apple and pear, 737, pp. 113-120.

Lateur, Marc and RONDIA, Alain (2016) Guide d'aménagement arborés des parcours extérieurs de volaille. [A guide to the management of poultry outdoor runs with trees.] .

Legrand, Julie; Jacquemin, Guillaume and Abras, Morgan (2015) MIEUX VAUT PREVENIR QUE GUERIR : LA RESISTANCE VARIETALE, UN LEVIER A ACTIONNER. [PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE: VARIETAL RESISTANCE, A LEVER TO BE USED.] In: Proceedings 'Première journée de la recherche à l'action en agriculture biologique', 1, pp. 1-8.

Legrand, Julie; Mahieu, Olivier; Bonnave, M.; Faux, Anne-Michelle and Leclercq, Martine (2022) Variétés de froment en agriculture biologique. In: Variétés de froment en agriculture biologique, pp. 1-39.

Legro, Susan; Znaor, Darko and Landau, Seth (2008) Climate Change, Agriculture and Development in Croatia. Development and Transition, 10 (7), pp. 14-16.

Limbourg, Quentin; Cesar, Vincent and Jamar, Laurent (2015) EVALUATION DE DEUX STRATEGIES VISANT A REDUIRE L’USAGE DU CUIVRE EN PRODUCTION BIOLOGIQUE DE POMME DE TERRE ET DE FRUITS A PEPINS. In: Proceedings of Journée de la recherche à l'action en agriculture biologique, Centre wallon de recherches agronomiques, Gembloux, Belgium, pp. 1-121.

Messmer, Monika M.; Vonzun, Seraina; Schaefer, Freya; Raaijmakers, Maaike; Rey, Frederic; Chable, Veronique; Nuijten, Edwin; De Buck, Abco; Lammerts Van Bueren, Edith T.; Mendes-Moreira, Pedro; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Zanoli, Raffaele; Petitti, Matteo; Fehér, Judit; Moeskops, Bram and Bruszik, Agnes (2021) Liveseed - Improving The Performance Of Organic Agriculture By Boosting Organic Seed And Plant Breeding Efforts Across Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Minnekeer, Beverley and Morelle, Max (2020) La Recherche en Agriculture Biologique au CRA-W, recueil sur les recherches menées en Agriculture Biologique au CRA-W. [Research in Organic Agriculture at the CRA-W, a collection of research conducted in Organic Agriculture at the WARC.] Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques .

Moerman, Marie (2020) Introduire la diversité dans les systèmes d'élevage - une option gagnante sous certaines conditions. [Introducing diversity into livestock systems - a winning option under certain conditions.] Itinéraires bio, December 2020, 55, pp. 48-50.

Moerman, Marie (2020) L'élevage des porcs en agriculture biologique. Le bien-être, une notion qui évolue avec les avancées de la recherche. [Organic pig farming. Welfare, a concept that evolves with the progress of research.] Itinéraires bio, January 2020, 50, pp. 51-52.

Moerman, Marie (2018) L’élevage de porc bio en Wallonie. [Organic pig farming in Wallonia.] Itinéraires Bio, January 2018, 38, pp. 26-28.

Moerman, Marie (2014) L’aménagement des parcours volailles : une plus-value pour l’ensemble de l’exploitation. [Tree planning in poultry outdoor run: an added value for the whole farm.] Revue de la filière avicole et cunicole wallonne, 2014, 3ème t, pp. 14-16.

Moerman, Marie; Minnekeer, Beverley and Tadli, Dounia (2019) Le parcours aménagé, un outil au service d’un élevage performant. [The enriched outdoor run, a tool for efficient breeding.] Itinéraires Bio, August 2019, 47, pp. 40-42.

Moerman, Marie and Wavreille, José (2015) Est‐il possible de valoriser des matières premières locales dans l’alimentation du porc ? [Is it possible to use local raw materials in pig feed?] Paper at: 15ème Journée Productions porcines et avicoles, Namur, Belgique.

Moeskops, Bram; -, Sukristiyonubowo; Buchan, David; Sleutel, Steven; Herawaty, Lenita; Husen, Edi; Saraswati, Rasti; Setyorini, Diah and De Neve, Stefaan (2010) Soil microbial communities and activities under intensive organic and conventional vegetable farming in West Java, Indonesia. Applied Soil Ecology, 45 (2), pp. 112-120.

Moeskops, Bram; Torremocha, Eva; Häring, A.M.; Padel, Susanne; Brunori, Gianluca and Micheloni, Cristina (2014) ACTION PLAN FOR INNOVATION AND LEARNING. AGROECOLOGY AND ORGANICS IN EU INNOVATION POLICY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 69-72.

Mormont, Marc; Stilmant, Didier; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido; Stassart, Pierre; Jamar, Daniel and Aertsens, Joris (2005) HOW CAN ORGANIC FARMING CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION PATTERNS? Belgian Science Policy, Belgium.

Niggli, Urs; Conder, Malgorzarta; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter and et, al. (2016) OK-Net Arable: State of the art research results and best practices – Task 3.1: D 3.1. OK-Net Arable review Meeting, IFOAM EU, Brussels, November 3, 2016. [Completed]

Niggli, Urs; Schmidt, Jennifer; Watson, Christine; Kriipsalu, Mait; Shanskiy, Merrit; Barberi, Paolo; Kowalska, Jolanta; Schmitt, Annegret; Daniel, Claudia; Wenthe, Ulla; Conder, Malgorzarta; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Schild, Marion; Dierauer, Hansueli; Krauss, Maike; Moeskops, Bram; Padel, Susanne; Micheloni, Cristina; Constanzo, Ambrogio; Thonar, Cécile and Wilbois, Klaus-Peter (2016) Organic Knowledge Network Arable - D.3.1 State-of-the-art research results and best practices. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick.

Oehen, Bernadette; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Stolze, Matthias; Verrière, Pauline and Binimelis, Rosa (editor): Gall, Eric and Verrière, Pauline (Eds.) (2018) Socio-economic impacts of GMOs on European Agriculture. IFOAM EU.


Puliga, Giovanni Antonio; Arlotti, Donatienne and Dauber, Jens (2022) Wheat-pea intercrop affects activity density and biocontrol potential of generalist predators. Annals of applied biology, 1, pp. 1-11.

{Tool} Tools for defining a fair price and strengthening crop diversification value chains (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Définir un « prix juste » dans un contexte de diversification des cultures : critères et outils de réflexion au sein des filières (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Riera, Anton and Antier, Clémentine. Issuing Organisation(s): SYTRA - Transition of food systems, Université catholique de Louvain. (2022)

Romano, Ida; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Basch, Gottlieb; Soares, Miguel; Faist, Hanna; Trognitz, Friederike; Sessitsch, Angela; Doubell, Marcé; Declerck, Stéphane and Symanczik, Sarah (2023) Impact of conservation tillage on wheat performance and its microbiome. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, pp. 1-17.

Smolders, Gidi; Eekeren, Nick van and Govaerts, Wim (2012) Effect of vitamin E and selenium and different types of milk on health and growth of organic goat kids. Paper at: Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, 2nd OAHC, Hamburg/Trenthorst, Germany, Sep 12-14, 2012.

Soete, Alice (2019) Pommes de terre robustes bio Le CRA-W, la FIWAP et Biowallonie collaborent pour qu’en 2021, plus aucune variété non-robuste ne soit utilisée en AB. [The CRA-W, FIWAP and Biowallonie are working together to ensure that by 2021 no more non-robust varieties will be used in AB.] CRA-W, FIWAP, Biowallonie , Cellule transversale de Recherches en Agriculture biologique (CtRAb). Online at https://www.cra.wallonie.be/fr/pdt-robustes-bio, accessed on: 1 January 2019.

Stilmant, Didier; Vanwindekens, Frederic; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Abras, Morgan; Farinelle, Arnaud; Lefèvre, Adeline; Froidmont, Eric; Moerman, Marie; Vankeerberghen, Audrey and Van Damme, Julie (2015) Contribution to the definition of an overall research program for organic farming in Wallonia: identification of priorities for the 2015-2020 period. Paper at: Renc. Rech. Ruminants, Franee, 2015.

Willer, Helga (2024) Seit 25 Jahren Biozahlen aus aller Welt. Ökologie & Landbau, 2024 (1), pp. 50-51.

This list was generated on Tue May 7 21:56:48 2024 CEST.