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About the policy of Organic Eprints

Organic Eprints is an electronic, open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture.

Submission Policy

This archive will accept the deposit of many kinds of papers: preprints (pre-review), postprints (post-review) and reprints (published) of scientific papers, conference papers and posters, theses, reports, books and book chapters, magazine articles, web products, project descriptions, and other published or unpublished documents.

The only criteria for acceptance of an eprint by Organic Eprints are:

  • that the documents are relevant to research in organic agriculture,
  • that they have a finished form that is ready to enter into a process of communication, and
  • that the required metadata information is correct.
All languages are supported, but it is encouraged to add an English abstract if the abstract is in another language than English.

Uploading a document is not always required (e.g. for books), but it is strongly recommended in order to help fulfil the purpose of the archive. In the case of books, please consider whether it is possible to upload the foreword, the introduction, and/or one or more sample chapters. It is possible to restrict access to a document due to copyright issues (see more here and in the section on "Upload" on the help page).

Removal of eprints is strongly discouraged, since this will break any external links made to that eprint. Instead, the archive allows for the upload of later versions of an eprint, and readers are directed to the latest version. The archive administrator will, however, remove eprints upon request.

When depositing an eprint the depositor consents to the following agreement:

Deposit Agreement

In depositing this eprint (a collection of files and associated metadata), I grant Organic Eprints the right to make it permanently available on-line, with open access to all or in accordance with any access restrictions that I have specified.

I understand that Organic Eprints does not assume any responsibility if there is any breach of copyright in distributing these files or metadata.

For work being deposited by its own first author: I declare that this eprint is my own intellectual property and that I have the right to make it available in Organic Eprints in the manner chosen.

For work being deposited by someone other than its first author: I declare that I have gained the proper permissions from someone with the right to make this eprint available in Organic Eprints in the manner chosen - or that the material is in the public domain.

Clicking on the deposit button indicates your agreement to these terms.

Metadata policy

The metadata of Organic Eprints are freely accessible to all by way of the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting at the URL: http://orgprints.org/cgi/oai2. The metadata may be re-used in other contexts under the condition that reference or direct linkage is made to the specific summary page for each eprint, using a stable URL of the form http://orgprints.org/EPRINT_ID.

Data policy

Documents can be downloaded, stored and printed freely, in accordance with fair use (though some documents are only accessible to a restricted group).

Documents may NOT be made publically available (except by way of hyperlinks) from other sources than the Organic Eprints archive. Linkage to a document should be made to its specific summary page. This page is a uniquely identified page from where there is a link to the current version of the document (sometimes in different formats) as well as links to any previous versions, commments on the document, etc.


All of the entries, statements, results etc. contained in the Organic Eprints archive have been compiled by the authors according to their best knowledge, and the metadata have been checked by the International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and/or the national editors. All depositors of eprints have agreed with the Deposit Agreement above.

However, the possibility of mistakes can not be ruled out entirely. Therefore, the following disclaimer is necessary:


The responsible partners behind Organic Eprints, the archive staff and the depositors are not subject to any obligation and make no guarantees whatsoever regarding any of the statements etc. on this website; neither do they accept responsibility or liability for any possible mistakes contained therein.

The links to other websites on the Organic Eprints pages are for informational purposes only. ICROFS, FiBL and the depositors are not responsible for the availability or content of these sites. In addition, providing links to these sites should not be interpreted as endorsement or approval by ICROFS or FiBL.